Thursday, May 29, 2008

Out For Awhile

Rob and my brother-in-law have been hard at it today packing our moving truck. I've packed a few more boxes, but we ran out, so what's a pregnant girl to do, but go out to lunch with two of her closest friends here! Ah, that was nice; especially the part where I got away from the chaos in our house.

We close on our new house tomorrow early afternoon and I know I won't sleep tonight. It's funny, because it doesn't matter if I like where I'm going or not, I get so excited to move! It's happened with every PCS. Apparently, I thrive on change which happens to be a great characteristic for a military spouse to possess.

That being said, because the majority of our furniture (and computer) don't get packed and delivered by the movers until next week (I'll be at our new place), you probably won't be hearing from me for awhile. That works out, because in the meantime I'll be unpacking all the boxes I just packed!

When I questioned Rob this morning if all this work doing a partial ditty ourselves was worth it, he promptly got on-line and ordered the new LG steam washer and dryer that I've wanted now for two years. He then said, "I think so." There was nothing I could say to that. We've never had a brand new washer and dryer which is probably one more reason I'm so looking forward to getting into our new house.

See ya soon!

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Looking forward to pics of your new place!! Good luck with the move!