Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sun and Sand

The big day arrived and our neighborhood pool finally opened! After a mostly swimless summer last year, the kids were ready to dive in.

Aubie, who knew nothing of swimming pool bliss, began to sense something exciting in the air when he was dressed in a brand new Speedo.

Yeah, probably not what you were invisioning. This Speedo actually offers lots of sun protection!

Now he was all ready, but for what exactly?

Hmmm...not exaclty the response we were hoping for his first time ever in the pool, but we can't blame him too much. The water was a bit on the cold side.

In other outdoor fun. Rob picked up a bargain of a sandbox for Avery. It sits right outside the kitchen window so I can keep an eye on him. He spends a lot of time in it. Little did I know that he wouldn't be the only one to play in it. Alton, Alayna, and Aubin, all enjoy it as well.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Growing Baby

Aubin is over 7 months old now. He's growing fast. Lately, he enjoys interacting with his siblings and "playing" with Avery especially. He has two teeth and two more that just broke through. Most of the time he's happy and easy going unless he doesn't get those important baby things like a good nap or a meal on time :)

And is it possible lately to have a blog entry that doesn't involve some incident with Avery?
This weekend involved a trip to the ER after Avery fell headlong into the corner of a wall and gashed his forhead open. We couldn't really close it with a bandaid and so we quickly loaded up the van and headed to the hospital. He was able to get glued back together quickly enough; no stitches thankfully. It's already looking much better and I think should heal with little to no scarring.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Thank you God for.....eewwww!

With Rob gone to Charlottesville for a promotion ceremony of a good friend, I had nighttime routine duty. Normally this is my debriefing time where I get a few moments of quiet to myself. Tired as I was, I proceeded with the nightime routine of Bible reading and prayer. I did Avery separately from Alton and Alayna or I don't think the following would have occured.

As we were getting ready to pray, I quickly grabbed Avery's wrist in order to intercept the nasal by-product he was about to place in his mouth. Somehow I never dreamed I would have a child that had this habit, but he does and I want to gag everytime I see it. As I held his wrist I admonished for the 200th time, "No, that is gross! We don't do that!" As soon as I let go, he popped his finger in his mouth. Uggh! Sorry, I should've put a warning label on this post for the faint-hearted. I then went into a longer more dramatic admonishment. His response was only to look at me expressionless. I sighed and said, "You pray first." Avery is already quite adept at prayer, but usually sticks to the same things each night like thank you for Dad, thank you for Mom, etc...Tonight he had new material. "God, thank you for my boogers." God has heard everything now.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

And Baby Dedication

I just realized I left the important part of the Baby Dedication out of my last post. So here it is. This past Sunday while Grandma was here, we had Aubin dedicated. He took it very seriously and paid close attention to every word our Pastor said.

Here's some more pics of our now 7month old boy!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Grandma, Balls, and Baby Dedications

Obviously it's been a long time since I've written. My computer time is all but gone these days for some reason and if I do sit down with 10 or 20 minutes, I have felt uninspired to write. Today's blog is brought to you by my Mom ,who were it not for her presence here over the last few days, I would not have these few moments to sit here, much less think of something to write!

Pa Pa as the kids call her, flew in on Thursday in cloudy skies. Soon after her arrival, I began to realize that most activities planned involved being outdoors. The fact that our van began having problems several hours later, also complicated any exciting adventures to be had. That being said, there was still plenty to do. Last night Rob and I got all gussied up for a Regimental Ball. With my Mom at the helm I was able to enjoy the evening and not worry a bit about the kids. Aubie especially, had yet to be left for an evening of more than a couple of hours. He is refusing to take a bottle (think I waited too late) and so I prepared my Mom for the hour of so of crying she was do endure. I don't mean I expected her to cry, but Aubie :) For the most part, things went fine at the house and no one was traumatized! Rob and I had a particularly nice time at the Ball probably due to the fact that the food was brought on quickly (I've waited til 8:30 before to eat at these things!), the entertainment was awesome and there was only one speaker (I've endured up to three 30 to 45 minute speakers at these things!). He kept things short and sweet, so the evening was perfectly enjoyable.

Rob and I came home exhausted, but still smiling!