Saturday, August 23, 2008

A Box of Crayons for the Baby

While I was reading the newspaper this morning, Avery came over and began shoving a box of crayons up my shirt. I asked, "What are you doing?" He continued to stuff them up my shirt. Alayna came over and said, "Mom, he's trying to give them to the baby. I told him that Grandma had sent them for the baby." I had to laugh. Grandma from Texas had sent school supplies for each of the kids and didn't want to leave the baby out. Avery was seeing to it, that he got them delivered. When I explained that it wouldn't really work and the baby would have to come out first to get them, Alayna suggested that I swallow them.

1 comment:

Stefunkc said...

Okay, this gave me a much needed laugh!