Sunday, September 28, 2008

Ahhh...Finally, a Social Life

It seems that it has taken longer than normal to make new friends with this move. Maybe it is because people are so busy here and don't have a lot of time for a social life with all the hours they spend commuting. I think it also has to do with the fact, that I am way pregnant and less out-going as a result. We've met hardly anyone in our neighborhood. We're practically the only family that is outside in the evening and being the only house on our culdesac at this point, doesn't help matters. Of course, I have dreams of having of inviting the whole neighborhood to a "get to know ya" type of thing; something I have facilitated at almost every place we've lived, but again, pregnancy has slowed down those plans.

The good news however, is that within the last 10 days, we've finally started having people over. Rob has to cook out of course, but it takes pressure off of me. We've been able to have 3 different families over and I'm motivated to have more. Don't ask me why the sudden burst of energy. Maybe it's because I realize that I won't be having anyone over for awhile after the baby comes. We've really started to meet some nice families through the homeschool co-op that the kids are in and most of them are military. We've also gotten closer to some of the families at our church. It seems we are finally getting a life here.

A couple of side notes: Aim (my sister), perhaps you passed your motivation to entertain to me for awhile. You can have it back as soon as the baby comes.

And for those of you who responded to my grocery blog, thanks. You've made me realize that I have a completely unrealistic and impractical budget for grocery shopping. I am taking measures to change that as much as possible, although when I polled some of my friends here, they were only about $200 less per month than what I spend. The food prices here are ridiculous. Rob contemplated this morning, having our own goat. I believe his motivation was more for not having to mow the big lawn so much than to have goat products in our back yard. I actually vetoed the idea as that is one more living thing for me to have to care for.

1 comment:

Stefunkc said...

We had a goat for a while when I was young. It ate the bag off the lawnmower and the roof off the convertible Corvair! Such fun memories:C)