Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Excited for Christmas

It's easy to get so busy this time of year, I keep having to remind myself that I should really treasure the days and be more laid back about things. Rob and I won't always have 4 little excited people running all over the house giddy with the anticipation of Christmas morning. Okay, maybe only three are running around the house, next year it will be four.

The great thing about four kids is that the dynamics seem to change every year, especially with the space between their ages. Each one experiences Christmas differently.

Gone are the days when little $10 toys were a delight. His taste has grown expensive. He is very money conscious however, and so only asks for one or two things. He likes to give gifts, but can't resist a good bargain when doing so. We had the kids buy gifts for their siblings this year with their own money, which meant they had to save for awhile. Alton carefully plotted out these expenses. When he heard one thing his Dad wanted was a box of cordial cherries, Alton jumped at the chance to purchase them when he realized he could do so for $1.94.


Christmas and all it's festivities are kept alive by this one. She eats, sleeps, and breathes the holidays. She is constantly under the tree analyzing gifts. She loves to give presents and will spare no expense to purchase what she thinks will please others. She spent close to $30 on Alton. Of course, all she wants for Christmas are her two front teeth...and a few other things.

He has probably been the most fun to watch this year as he really knows what's going on now. He is very excited and can't get enough of Christmas music. We quickly realized that we can no longer shop for him or others by sneaking things in the cart while he is with us in a store thinking he won't notice. Alton purchased a bulldozer for him during a family trip to Sam's. We thought we had been sneaky enough, but Avery keeps referring to the red present containing his bulldozer. He also brought the wrapped box of cordial cherries to Rob and said, "Daddy! Chocolate!" Apparently there is no fooling him! Mid-season we began purchasing gifts when he wasn't around!


He's the easiest and most unassuming member of the family. A great Christmas for him will be a full tummy, lots of cuddles, and a semi-comfortable place to nap. It is always fun to have a baby around this time of year.

I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and enjoys their family as much as I do!


Anonymous said...

Loved your post and the updates on the kids. They are delight. Enjoy them while you can, they grow up so quickly and become so busy it's hard to get together. Have a very Merry Christmas and may God richly bless you and yours in 2009.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for blogging. Who does Aubin look like?