Sunday, May 17, 2009

Growing Baby

Aubin is over 7 months old now. He's growing fast. Lately, he enjoys interacting with his siblings and "playing" with Avery especially. He has two teeth and two more that just broke through. Most of the time he's happy and easy going unless he doesn't get those important baby things like a good nap or a meal on time :)

And is it possible lately to have a blog entry that doesn't involve some incident with Avery?
This weekend involved a trip to the ER after Avery fell headlong into the corner of a wall and gashed his forhead open. We couldn't really close it with a bandaid and so we quickly loaded up the van and headed to the hospital. He was able to get glued back together quickly enough; no stitches thankfully. It's already looking much better and I think should heal with little to no scarring.


Regular, with half and half and raw sugar said...

Aubin looks the most like you.

A.C.A. said...

I definitely agree!

Anonymous said...

I think I see some Sodowsky in his personality as well.