Saturday, June 13, 2009

A Dietary Indiscretion Leads to an Unexpected Blogging Opportunity

...Probably my longest title yet. It stems from a mind that is exceeding the speed limit with no signs of stopping. To what do I owe this state of things? A chocolate, sugar something or other, hyper-caffienated, iced coffee, spontaneously purchased at a weak moment is keeping me wide awake. At this point, I am not expected to arrive in dreamland anytime soon. Why did I do it? It was truly an act of rebellion. I've been working really diligently on my nutrition intake over the last two weeks and something in me gave in to temptation. I am in a deep state of regret and paying dearly for my choice. I resent the look of what I now understand to be amusement on the coffee barista's face when I placed the order.

Perhaps there are other things contributing to my lack of sleep. I enjoyed/endured a whole day of home school conference (with Aubin in tow) and I am inspired of course, with a million ideas and thoughts, and cirriculums fighting for center stage in my brain. I am completely overwhelmed by the new ideas and books and activities to share with my kids. It's exciting, thrilling, and oh-so-exhausting.

This, combined with the alarming amount of caffiene that I apparently took in has lead to time for reading a book, time for devotions/prayer, solving a scheduling problem that has irked me for some time, and now blogging. I am almost nervous because I've just about completed my to-do list. Well, I guess that's never true, but of the things that do not make noise and wake others peacefully sleeping away in my home, I am running low. 2:30am hmm....guess it's time to study some more aromatherapy as I have been meaning to do for weeks.

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