Today, I'm feeling inspired to take a slightly different direction with this blog. I promise this won't happen too often, but every once in a while I will have to satisfy my desire to impart helpful knowledge to whomever will listen to me. With this being prime time for ear infections, I thought this would be a great time to blog about infections in general.
Wait! Don't stop reading! While a blog on infections may sound boring or even disgusting, sometime in your life you will have to deal with it if you are on the SAD diet (standart American diet) which most of us are. Unless you are eating mostly raw, there is a great chance that you will have to deal with an infection of some sort during you or your child's lifetime. So before you run to the doctor for such and such antibiotic perscription, hear me out. I'm going to say something shocking now: "There is another way. You don't have to use antibiotics to get over any type of infection." Hmmm....I should probably post some legal disclaimer about now so that people don't come after me and try to lynch me over the internet! Okay, so we'll just say that this is my own experience and you will have to make your own medical decisions. Don't end up on your deathbed with an out of control infection and say that Traci told me not to get treatment. The simple fact is, that an infection usually cannot and should not be ignored. I'm just suggesting a healthier, natural way to go about it.To start, I'm just going to define an infection and hopefully take some of the ominousness out of that word
An infection is just an overgrowth of bad bacteria. I'll repeat that. An infection is just an overgrowth of bad bacteria. I don't know how much everyone out there knows about their body's flora, but just know that you have it growing everywhere and that there's good guys and bad guys involved. One or the other has the upperhand usually and your health is greatly affected by them. This is a really simplistic explanation and I'm not going to bore you with all their different names and types, but what you need to know, is that diet affects who's winning the war over your body. For instance, the bad guys just love feeding off of mucous and sugar, refined carbohydrates, and putrefied and decaying meat. "But I don't eat putrefied and decaying meat" you say, well that is a whole other blog topic. When you're faced with an infection, what you need to do is battle the bad bacteria.
Doctors choose the pharmaceutical antibiotic route. Certainly, they have saved countless lives with this method, however one of the major downsides to it, is that it wipes out the good and the bad bacteria alike. I like to think of your body's flora like a lawn. You want to keep the weeds out. With antibiotics, you are wiping out all the weeds, but also most of the grass too. Now we all know, that when soil is bare, it's not the grass that's going to naturally shoot up and take over, it's the weeds. So it is very important, if you have used antibiotics to sow some grass seed afterwards so to speak. More on that later. In fact, this blog is going way longer than most blog readers' attention spans and I still have three school subjects to get done today, so I'm going to cut it off here and come back soon with Part Two of "Infections."
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Amy thinks this blog is just for her. Hmmmmmm.
Matt owes me five dollars.
Hey! I am ready for Part II!!! Can't wait to read the rest!
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