Tuesday, July 29, 2008

He said he needed more milk...

It's the price I pay for zoning out for a few seconds while he was awake. Can you blame me? Once again, he had gotten up before his Daddy went to work at 6am. He wanted cereal like his Daddy for breakfast.

Rob left, and I devoted 30 seconds too long to staring off into space contemplating I don't know what. Something was soon pulling me out of my reverie; a strange sound like something being poured, then the words "Need more milk Mommy, Need more milk." As the sound I heard connected in my mind with his statement, I snapped out of it and looked over to see Avery indeed getting more milk. Never mind that the bowl had long ago been filled and that the excess was pouring all over his lap and onto the floor, he kept pouring until I jumped into action and grabbed the precious almond milk box ($2.19 for 32oz) and stopped the flood.

Hard lesson learned, if you are the mom of a particular Avery who is 2 1/2, never let your guard down!


Anonymous said...

I love that you grabbed the camera before the towel.


Anonymous said...

Too cute! I remember keeping Madi at that age. Not being use to her morning routine, she decided she wanted chocolate milk. Before I knew it she was pooring the chocolate syrup into the full gallon of milk!! Good memories.