Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Voice of Truth...that can't be silenced.

Alayna has always been one to say just what is on her mind. Her latest observations over the last couple of days regarding my post pardomness are blog worthy.

Yesterday as I lay passed out in a sleep that can only come from heavy doses of pain medication, Alayna commented on my apparent snoring habit I have picked up since coming home from the hospital.

"Dad, if Mom were a princess and a prince came to kiss her, he might say, "Ewww, are you sure she's the right one?"

Then regarding my still protruding belly later that day, "Mom, people are going to say hey when did you get that baby, and then they're going to say, hey when is your other one going to be born?"


1 comment:

Stefunkc said...

Don't you just love the pure honesty?