Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ten Years Ago Today

Alton posing with a woodworking project he and Rob finished.

So hard to believe that Alton is now 10! An official "tweenager" as he enthusiastically announced this morning. So what is this 10 year old like? Well, he's humorous, obedient, creative, smart, helpful, and affectionate. Some of his interests include Lego projects (Star Wars in particular), Ninetendo DS, and guitar lessons. His little brother Avery worhsips the ground he walks on and follows him everywhere. Alton is as patient as can be expected about this. I make sure I guard some of his time each day because he's one of those kids that needs a few hours alone to recharge. He also has an ornery streak and likes practical jokes when he can pull one off. Unfortunately, Alayna, who is usually the victim neither appreciates, nor understands his humor. They do get along nicely on occasion. Alton is growing up to be a wonderful person and best of all, he loves Jesus!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

10 is an amazing age. My two oldest....sigh...My oldest was a love at 10 and now my 2nd is nearing the end of 10...a good age. May Alton have a wonderful year! It's a good age!!