Last night we celebrated two new two year olds birthdays; Avery and his friend Kate. They are a day apart and so cute! Kate can already speak in full sentences and was very aware of the birthday festivities that were to take place. She knew it was her birthday, that she was getting cake, and that she would get to open presents. Avery on the other hand, didn't seem to care it was his birthday, but was pleasantly surprised to be presented with some new toys (almost all with wheels), and had he understood that I made that truck cake just for him, he probably wouldn't have shared. Ahhh the differences between boys and girls. If I had not experienced a two year old little girl in our own family, I might be worried. They just know more sooner.
By the way, Avery's favorite gift was a garage that our friends were getting ready to give to Goodwill, until he found it during his party.

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